| 划词

At that time most people believed in sorcery and witchcraft.



Demolish, absorb a blood clan can use the improbity black sorcery to curse the person of the destiny lead toward misery.




goamiss, Goan, go-and-return, Goanese, goanna, go-around, goashore, go-as-you-please, goat, goat cheese, goat skin, goatbush, goatee, goateed, goatfish, goatgod, goatherd, goatish, goatling, goatmiker, goatmoth, goatpox, goats, Goatsbeard, goatskin, goat's-rue, goatstone, goatsucker, goaty, gob, gobang, Gobat, gobb, gobber, gobbet, gobbing, gobble, gobble up, gobbledegook, gobbledygook, gobblefish, gobbler, gobby, gobe, Gobelin, gobemouche, gobe-mouche, gobetween, go-between, gobi, Gobi Desert, Gobiatheriinae, Gobies, Gobiesociformes, Gobiidae, gobioid, Goble, goblet, goblet cell, gobletcell, goblin, gobline, goblinize, goblinry, goblins, gobo, goboon, gobos, gobsmack, gobsmacked, gob-stopper, gob-struck, goby, go-by, GOC, gocart, go-cart, gock, god, god of war, Godardian, Godavari, god-awful, godchild, goddam, goddammit, goddamn, goddamned, goddamnit, Goddard, goddaughter, god-daughter, goddeship, goddess, godet, godetia, go-devil, godfather, God-fearer, god-fearing, godforsaken, Godfrey, godgiven, god-given, godhead, godhood, Godiva, godless, godlet, godlike, godliness, godling, godly, Godman, god-man, godmother, Godolphin, godown, godparent, godroon, gods, godsend, godship, godson, Godspeed, Godthaab, godward, Godwards, Godwin, Godwinian, godwit, Godwottery, Godzilla, goe, goer, goergeyite, Goering, goes, goeschwitzite, goest, goeth, Goethe, Goethean, goethite, goetzenite, gofer, goffer, goffered, goffering, gog and magog, go-gauge, go-get, go-getter, go-getting, goggle, goggle-box, goggled, goggle-eyed, goggles, gogglet, Gogh, goglet, gogo, go-go, Gogol, GOI, Goidel, Goidelic, going, going away, going over, going-over, going-rate, goings and comings, goings on, goings-on, goiter, goiterogenic, goitre, goitrogen, goitrogenic, goitrous, gok, gokaite, gokart, go-kart, gokumite, gola, Golconda, gold, gold brick, Gold Coast, gold digger, gold dust, gold fever, gold foil, gold leaf, gold medal, gold mine, gold miner, gold plate, gold rush, gold standard, goldammer, goldarn, goldarned, goldbeater, goldbeating, Goldberg, goldbonded, goldbrick, gold-brick, gold-bricking, goldbug, goldcrest, gold-digger, gold-doped, golddust, gold-dust, golden, Golden Age, golden boy, golden calf, golden chain, golden eagle, golden fleece, Golden Gate, golden gate bridge, golden handshake, Golden Horde, golden mean, golden oriole, golden parachute, golden retriever, golden rule, golden section, Golden State, golden syrup, golden thread, golden yellow, goldeneye, golden-eyes, golden-mouthed, goldenrain, goldenrod, goldenseal, goldentwig, goldeye, goldfield, gold-filled, goldfinch, goldfish, goldfish bowl, goldfishing, goldfoil, goldie, goldilocks, goldinodex, goldleaf, goldless, Goldlion, Goldman, goldmark, goldmine, goldminer, gold-overlaid, goldplate, gold-plate, goldplated, gold-plating, goldpremium, goldrefining, goldschmidtine, goldschmidtite, goldsmith, goldsmithery, goldsmithing, Goldstar, goldstone, goldtail, gold-trafficker, goldwasser, goldwater, Goldwaterism, goldwork, Goldwynism, goldy, golem, golf, golf ball, golf cart, golf club, golf course, golf links, golfabilia, golfada, golf-course, golfdom, golfer, golfing, golf-links, golfotron, Golgi, Golgi apparatus, Golgi body, Golgi complex, golgiosome, Golgotha, goliard, goliardery, Goliath, Goliaths, golliwog, gollop, golly, gollywog, goloptious, golosh, goloshes, goluptious, GOM, gombeen, gombroon, gome, Gomel, gomenol, gomeral, gomma, gommier, gommures, Gomorrah, gompa, gomphiasis, gomphodont, gompholite, gomphoside, gomphosis, gomuti, gon, gonacratia, gonad, gonadal, gonadectomize, gonadectomy, gonado, gonado-advent, gonadoblastoma, gonadogenesis, gonadoliberin, gonadopathy, gonadopause, gonadorelin, gonadotherapy, gonadotrope, gonadotroph, gonadotrophic, gonadotrophin, gonadotrophins, gonadotropic, gonadotropin, gonadotropinoma, gonadotropism, gonadovenography, gonado-venography, gonads, gonaduct, gonagra, gonalgia, gonane, gonangium, gonangula, gonangulum, gonapophyses, gonapophysis, gonapsides, gonapsis, gonarcus, gonarthritis, gonarthrocace, gonarthromeningitis, gonarthrosis, gonarthrotomy, gonatagra, gonatalgia, gonatocele, Gonatodes, Gond, Gondal, Gondar, Gondi, gondite, gondoina, gondola, gondola car, gondolas, gondole, gondolet, gondoletta, gondolier, gondwana, Gondwanaland, Gondwanian, gone, gonecyst, gonef, goneness, gonepoiesis, goner, Goneril, gonfalon, gonfalonier, gonfanon, gong, Gongorism, gongster, gongylidius, gongylite, gongylodont, gongyloid, gongylonemiasis, gonia, gonial, goniale, goniasmometer, Goniaulax, gonidia, gonidiferous, gonidimium, gonidiogenous, gonidioid, gonidiophore, gonidium, goniff, gonimoblast, gonimolobe, gonioautoecious, goniocheiloschisis, goniocraniometry, goniocyst, goniodysgenesis, goniohemorrhage, goniometer, goniometric, goniometrical, goniometry, goniomicroscope, gonion, goniophotography, goniophotometer, gonioplasty, goniopuncture, gonioradiometer, gonioscope, gonioscopy, goniospore, goniostat, goniosynechia, goniotome, goniotomy, gonitangium, gonite, gonitis, gonium, gonk, gonna, gonobase, gonoblast, gonoblennorrhea, gonobolia, gonocalyx, gonocheme, gonochorism, gonoclavi, gonococcemia, gonococcide, gonococcin, gonococcocide, gonococcus, gonocoel, gonocoxite, gonocrista, gonocristae, gonocyte, gonocytoma, Gonodactylidae, gonodendrum, gonodiospore, gonoduct, gonof, gonogenesis, go-no-go, gonohemia, gonolobus, gonomery, gononephrocoel, gononephrotome, gonopalpon, gonoph, gonophage, gonophore, gonophyll, gonoplac, gonoplasm, gonopod, gonopoda, gonopodium, gonopoiesis, gonopophysis, gonopore, Gonorhynchidae, gonorrhea, gonorrhoea, gonosaccus, gonosetae, gonosome, gonosomite, gonosphere, gonospore, gonostome, gonostyle, gonostyli, gonostylus, gonotheca, gonotokont, gonotome, gonotoxemia, gonotoxin, gonotreme, gonotyl, gonozooid, gonsogolite, gonyagra, gonyalgia, Gonyaulax, gonybatia, gonycampsis, gonycoria, gonycrotesis, gonyectyposis, gonyerite, gonyocele, gonyodon, gonyoncus, Gonyostomum, gonys, gonystilol, gonytheca, Gonytrichum, gonytyle, gonzo, goo, goober, good, good afternoon, Good Book, good faith, good for, good for nothing, good for you, good form, good fortune, Good Friday, good humor, good looks, good manners, good morning, good nature, good natured, good night, good old days, good Samaritan, good sense, good time, good turn, good will, goodby, good-by, goodbye, good-bye, good-fellowship, good-for-nothing, good-hearted, good-humored, good-humoured, goodie, goodies, goodish, goodliness, good-looking, goodly, goodman, good-mannered, good-natured, good-neighbour, good-neighbourhood, goodness, goodnight, goods, good-sized, goods-train, good-tempered, good-till-cancelled, goodwife, goodwill, good-will, Goodwood, goody, Goodyear, goody-goody, gooey, goof, goofball, goofer, go-off, goof-off, goofproof, goofus, goofy, Google, googly, googo, googol, googolplex, goo-goo, gook, gooky, goon, goonda, goondie, goonery, gooney, gooney bird, goongarrite, goonie, goonies, goons, goop, goopher, goopy, gooral, goosander, goose, goose bump, goose egg, goose flesh, goose grass, goose liver, goose neck, goose skin, goose step, gooseberry, goose-club, gooseflesh, goosefoot, goosegirl, goosegog, gooseherd, gooseneck, goosepen, goosery, gooses, goose-step, goosewing, goosewinged, goosey, goosie, goosy, GOOT, GOP, gopak, Gophacide, gopher, Gopher State, Gopher(+), Gopher(+)server, gophering, gophers, Gopherus, gopi, gopura, GOR, gora, goracco, goral, goran, gorblimey, gorceixite, gorcock, gordaite, Gordiacea, Gordian, gordiasis, Gordiidae, Gordioidea, Gordius, Gordon, Gordon Setter, gordonite, gore, gored, gorevan, gorge, gorgeous, gorgeously, gorger, gorgeret, gorgerin, gorget, gorgeyite, Gorgio, gorgon, Gorgonacea, gorgoneion, Gorgonia, Gorgonian, gorgonin, gorgonize, Gorgonocephalidae, gorgons, Gorgonzola, gorgy, gorhen, Gori, gorilla, gorillas, Gorillaz, gorilloid, gorily, goring, gorite, Gorizia, gork, Gorki, gorlanadite, gorlin, Gorlovka, gorm, gormand, gormandise, gormandize, gormandizer, gormless, goround, gorp, gorra, gorro, gorry, gorse, Gorsedd, gorsgrain, gorsy, Gorton, gory, GOS, gosain, Gosbank, goserelin, gosh, goshawk, Goshen, goshenite, goshpeck, GOSIP, goslarite, gosling, go-slow, gospel, gospeler, gospeller, Gospels, Gosplan, gospodin, gosport, Goss, gossamer, gossamery, gossan, gossberite, gosseletite, gossip, gossiper, gossipist, gossipmonger, gossipy, Gossnab, gossoon, gossylure, gossypetin, gossypii, gossypin, gossypine, gossypitol, gossypitone, gossypitrin, Gossypium, gossyplure, gossypoid, gossypol, gossypose, Gostorg, gosu, got, GOTA, Gotama, gotch, gotcha, gotcher, gote, Goteborg, Goth, Gotha, Gotham, Gothamite, gothardite, gothette, gothic, Gothic arch, Gothic architecture, Gothica, Gothicism, Gothicist, Gothicize, Gothick, gothickry, Gothish, gothite, Gothland, goths, gotist, Gotland, Gotlandian, goto, go-to-meeting, GoTone, GOTS, gotta, gotten, gotter, gotterdammerung, Gottland, Gottwaldov, gotup, got-up, gotzenite, gouache, Gouda, goudron, goudronator, gouge, gougebit, gouge-nippers, gouger, gougerotin, gouges, Gough, gouging, goulard, goulash, Gould, goumier, goundou, goup, goura, gourami, gourbi, gourd, gourde, gourdful, gourds, gourdshaped, goureux, gourmand, gourmandise, gourmandism, gourmet, gout, goutin, goutiness, goutwater, goutweed, gouty, gouy, gov, gov., go-valve, govern, governable, governance, governess, governessy, governing, governing board, governing body, governing class, government, government accounting office, government agency, government bond, government intervention, government man, government office, government security, governmental, governmentalism, governmentalize, governmentese, governments, governor, governor general, governorate, governorship, govt., gow, gowan, Gower, gowk, gown, gowning, gownsman, gowster, gox, goy, Goya, Goyaesque, goyazite, goyim, goyisch, goyische, goyish, goyol, goz, gozes, Gozitan, gozzan, gozzetto, gozzo, GP, GPA, GPAC, G-parity, GPAS, GPass, gpbs, gpc, gpd, GPDC, gpf, GPG, GPH, GPI, GPIB, GPIO, gpl, gpm, GPO, GPOS, GPP, GPPS, GPR, G-protein, GPRS, GPS, GPSP, GPSS, GPSU, GPT, GPU, GPUs, GPV, GR, GRA, Graaf, Graafian, Graafian follicle, grab, grab at, grab sample, grab-all, grabber, grabbing, grabble, grabby, grab-dredge, graben, grabhook, grabs, grabshot, grace, grace cup, Grace Kelly, grace note, graceful, gracefully, graceless, Graces, Gracia, gracias, Gracie, Gracilariidae, gracile, gracilicutes, gracilis, gracility, gracioso, gracious, graciously, grackle, grad, gradability, gradable, Gradall, gradate, gradatim, gradation, gradational, grade, grade crossing, grade school, grade separation, gradeability, gradebuilder, graded, graded-index, gradeline, gradely, grademark, grader, grades, grade-separation, grade-stake,


3G, 401(K), a,



You! Is there sorcery in you, too?



If you will not undo your sorcery, force my handler, I must find you guilty.



The most likely cause is sorcery.



Jon Snow turned to Melisandre. " What sorcery is this" ?

琼恩·雪诺转向梅丽珊卓," 这是什么妖术?"


She pulled back and gave him a look. " Walk on water? What southron sorcery is that" ?

她退后一步,瞪着他瞧。" 在水上走?这是南方佬的哪门子巫术啊?"


" Bloodmagic is the darkest kind of sorcery. Some say it is the most powerful as well" .

" 血魔法是最黑的巫术,也可能是最有力量的。"


I know what Uther thinks about sorcery. I'm a dead man, aren't I?



" Pyp says that Lady Melisandre means to give him to the flames, to work some sorcery" .

" 派普说梅莉珊卓死他,以便施行某种巫术。"


I cannot think of a scientific explanation. I can only conclude it is the result of sorcery.



While there, the sophisticated sorcerer sorted out some papers then played a sordid sorcery.



Jack's targets included anything he associated with sorcery or the occult.



As people could not rationalize the catastrophe, they attributed it to Jewish sorcery.


科技 Crash Course

Knowing how to use and program computers is sorcery of the 21st century.



Under cross-examination, Laurence acknowledges what she did, but is unable to explain it, muttering at one point about " sorcery" .


44 Acts 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV

They followed him because he had amazed them for a long time with his sorcery.



But many featured mythic heroes fighting long odds with the help of magical swords and sorcery.



The Duke of Weselton: You! Is there sorcery in you, too? Are you a monster, too?



The Cup of Life, blessed by centuries of powerful sorcery so that it contains the very secret of life itself.



Great bands of these medicine-men met on the small space, using every sorcery in their power to drive their opponents away.

一大群巫医在狭小的空间相遇, 用尽他们所有的法术驱赶他们的对手。


Is this one as big a fool as Pycelle? " So are you telling me that the Mountain is dying of some black sorcery" ?

这家伙也和派席尔一样愚蠢吗?" 所以,你要告诉我魔山是因为某种‘黑魔法'而这么半死不活的?"



grandnephew, grandness, grandniece, grandomania, grandpa, grandpapa, grandparent, grandparents, grand-scale, grandsire,


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