9 see joke: An American, a southron and a Canadian die in a traffic accident.
" … to defend the Wall, " Jon finished stubbornly, " not as seats for southron lords. The stones of those forts are mortared with the blood and bones of my brothers, long dead. I cannot give them to you" .
" ——来防御长城的," 琼恩固执地把话完," 不能私相授受给野或南方领主。这些堡垒的一砖一石,都浸透了我弟兄们的鲜血,它们底下更埋藏着烈士的枯骨。不,我无法把它们让渡给您。"
" We drank the sweetest mead the day Craster made me a wife. It was summer then, and not so cold" . Gilly gave him a puzzled look. " Did you only sing of six gods? Craster always told us you southrons had seven" .
" 卡斯特娶我为妻的那天,我们喝过最甜美的蜜酒。那时是夏天,没有这么冷。" 吉莉有些困惑," 你才唱了六个神呀?卡斯特常告诉我们,你们南方有七个神。"