The speedometer was rocking between 60 and 65.
The speedometer showed that we were doing 50 miles per hour.
The speedometer was rocking between 60
°and 65°.速表在60°与65°之间摆动。
A real-time clock circuit(X1228)is applied to be an hourmeter, data memorizer and alarm in speedometer.
I happened to notice the speedometer. " Holy crow! " I shouted. " Slow down! "
The speedometer read a hundred and five miles an hour.
There's no speedometer, so I do it by sound feel of the bike.
With my speedometer there are two: 6 and 0.
至少不会像个人体计算机宅宅。 但是当你用计算机时,你会发现件有趣事。
Incredulously, he glanced at the hooded speedometer.
难以置信地, 他瞥了眼带罩盖度表。
I only know the speed of my car to two decimal places because that's all I get from the speedometer.
们先从甘丹开始! 小时转换成秒。
A speedometer to see how fast I’m going.
个度计, 看看走多快。
Well… the speedometer says 140mph, but when would that even happen?
好吧… … 度表显示时为 140 英/小时,但那什么时候会发生呢?
Some speedometers even show speeds that these cars can't possibly reach!
You can’t really tell, because the speedometer in your car is broken.
你真说不出来, 因为你车度表坏了。
Don't get me wrong, but my speedometer didn't read much faster than that.
You can't really tell, because the speedometer in your car is broken.
你无法真正确定这点,因为计数器 斯巴达克度下降了。
Keep your eyes on the speedometer and stop using the rearview mirror to look at yourself.
Then the revolutions mounted until he was past 110 and on to the 120 mph mark on the speedometer.
然后革命开始, 直到他超过 110 英, 达到度表上 120 英/小时标记。
The car lapped up the dead-straight road with the needle of the speedometer wavering around eighty.
汽车在笔直道路上行驶, 车表指针在八十度左右摇摆不定。
Sometimes we just call it a speedo;not like the bathing suit, just like a speedometer, but short: speedo.
“This'll do it, Harry, hold on tight! ” yelled Hagrid, and Harry saw him slam his whole hand onto the purple button beside the speedometer.
On the way back, I noticed that his speedometer wasn't working, and we must have been going around a 130 kilometers per hour down this road.
Your speedometer was broken, but because we knew your acceleration, we were able to calculate how fast you were going when the cops pulled you over.
Henry accelerated; the humming of the propeller shrilled from hornet to wasp, from wasp to mosquito; the speedometer showed that they were rising at the best part of two kilometres a minute.