And because they remain in circulation they tend to be the great spreaders of the disease.
Pilot ladder has spreaders too short.
Data show the spreaders have almost all been unvaccinated people.
The famous event served as a big spreader of the style.
This means people trained to handle complex machinery like tractors, and fertiliser spreaders, loading machines – the works.
Dr Anthony Fauci said such gatherings mostly without masks or social distancing are potential super spreader events.
安东尼·福奇博士说 这种大多不戴口罩或保持社交距离的会有潜在的超级传播者。
And there's real concern that these games are going to become a major COVID super spreader event.
If you have gatherings with all the non-covid behavior happening, it is going to be the super spreader events.
But despite these COVID-19 countermeasures, experts are still concerned that these games could turn into a super spreader event.
Insert the rib spreader and start cranking.
插入肋骨撑开器 准备开胸。
Be spreaders of facts and truth.
This manure spreader is worn out.
I have used this manure spreader for many years, and I think over time through use, it has become worn out.
我用这个撒肥很多年了,我想随着时间的推移, 它已经磨损了。
So you have this bottom-up, QAnon comes as a super spreader, and then President Trump comes on top of that.
所以你有这个自下而上的,QAnon 作为一个超级传播者出现,然后特朗普总统在其之上。
The reason our plants continue to be super spreaders is because Tyson forces us to process so much chicken so very quickly.
" My only worry was getting stuck in Asia or quarantined after returning to the U.S. And I'd hate to be a spreader of the virus" .
" 我唯一担心的是回到美国后被困在亚洲或隔离,我讨厌传播这种病毒。"
The SGC-250's multiple wheel bogies on twin ring beams and spreader mats prevent it from exceeding ground pressures even at a larger radius.
SGC-250 的双环梁和扩展垫上的多轮转向架即使在较大半径的情况下也能防止超过地面压力。
These guys are real super spreaders!
A fakeloo artist, a hoopla spreader, and a lad who had his card rolled up inside sticks of tea, found on a dead man.
在一个死人身上发现了一个 fakeloo 艺术家、一个 hoopla 传播者和一个把卡片卷在茶棒里的小伙子。
False-news spreaders had fewer followers, followed fewer people, were less active, less often " verified" and had been on Twitter for a shorter period of time.
虚假新闻传播者的追随者较少, 关注的人较少, 活跃度较低,“验证” 频率较低,并且在 Twitter 上停留的时间较短。