Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
And what about your sprightly, lovely grandfather, Alice?
Quack shrieked and sprightly dove behind Some logs out on the water.
Quack尖叫着,然后飞快地跳到后面 有些登出水面。
You look very gay and sprightly, I said. " What's the matter with you? "
" 看你今天这么喜气洋洋的样子," 我说," 有什么开心的事啊?"
Albus Dumbledore was walking toward him, sprightly and upright, wearing sweeping robes of midnight blue.
邓 布利多向他走来,脚步轻快而挺拔,他身穿着一件破旧的深蓝色长袍。
The bounding vigor—the sprightly, laughter-loving spirit of her youth, were gone.
The lad was a sprightly child, that answered to the name of Randall.
Pray, sir, ' Mrs. Sparsit interposed, with sprightly cheerfulness, 'don't disparage your judgment.
祈祷,先生,” 斯巴塞夫人插话道, 带着活的快活, “不要贬低你的判断力。
You pride yourself on being sprightly for your age.
您觉得己虽然年事已高 却依然硬朗。
Well as you could tell I'm sprightly and quite enthusiastic and energetic yet.
How charming the sprightly confident looks and ways of these little feathered people of the trees!
这些长着羽毛的小树人, 活的外表举止是多么迷人啊!
In the game of spur, a sprightly boy sprained his foot and sprawled on the ground.
He had scanned the room, 'eyeing up the talent.' The beautiful sprightly seventy-year old had caught Jacob's eye.
If he liked the majestic, she was the very type of majesty: then she was accomplished, sprightly.
Hanks, who is 66, appears lithe and sprightly, almost as though he has too much energy for such a slip of a body.
People are living longer and staying healthier, so many have at least 20-30 years of retirement, for much of which they are sprightly.
They were industrious, sprightly little lady birds, who kept lump sugar and thistle seed as well as tea in their tea-caddies.
它们是勤劳、活的小雌鸟, 它们在茶叶罐里放着块糖、蓟籽茶叶。
Keith Houston's sprightly history aims to give the calculator the recognition it deserves as a stepping stone to the digital era.
Keith Houston 的辉煌历史旨在让计算器得到应有的认可,成为数字时代的垫脚石。
She was very sprightly, and they thought her quite unconventional, and Gino a charming boy, so all that was to the good.
她非常活, 他们认为她很不守规矩, 而吉诺是迷人的男孩, 所以这一切都是好事。
The reddleman's walk across the vale, and over into the next where his cart lay, was not sprightly for a slim young fellow of twenty-four.