Objective: To discuss surgical treatment of interhemispheric subdural hematomas.
Robert Martin, 45, collapsed and hit his head, causing a small subdural hemorrhage.
Robert martin 45,摔伤头部引起一个小的硬膜下血。
So a subdural hemorrhage is when there's bleeding below the dura mater.
所以" Subdural Hemorrhage" 指脑部血管破裂出血至硬膜下隙。
Robert Martin, 45. Collapsed and hit his head, which caused a small subdural hemorrhage.
Robert Martin,45。摔伤头部,引起小面积硬膜下血。
The subdural space plays a major role in venous blood drainage in the brain.
So the main cause of a subdural hemorrhage is a rupture of the bridging veins located in the subdural space.
So an acute subdural hematoma causes symptoms within 2 days.
It looks like he hasa tracheal injury. You going into the O.R.For the subdural?
看上去气管有损伤 你想给硬膜块手术?
A blow to the head? A subdural hematoma?
头部受到过袭击? 硬脑膜下血?
He has a subdural hematoma, which is bleeding in the brain.
他硬膜下血 脑部出血。
The internal layer of the dura mater lies above the arachnoid mater and the two are separated by the subdural space.
A subacute subdural hematoma causes symptoms between 3 and 14 days, and a chronic subdural hematoma causes symptoms after 15 days.
Subdural hematomas can also happen after an acceleration-deceleration injury like speeding on the road and then suddenly slamming on the brakes.
Regardless of the mechanism, once a bridging vein is torn, the blood pools in the subdural space and creates a hematoma.
The blood in a subdural hemorrhage is located between the arachnoid mater and the inner layer of the dura mater.
Small subdural hematomas are drained by placing a small tube called a catheter through a drilled hole in the skull.
On a CT scan, an acute subdural hemorrhage forms a hyperdense blood collection, whereas a chronic subdural hemorrhage forms a hypodense blood collection.
So on a CT scan, subdural hematomas follow the contour of the brain and form a crescent shape and cross suture lines.
A chronic subdural hematoma, on the other hand, shows up as a hypodense mass, which is less white than the surrounding brain tissue.
The official cause of death was ruled as a subdural hematoma, or a traumatic brain injury, but it was established that Nance was alone in his home.
On a CT scan, an acute subdural hematoma shows up as a hyperdense mass, meaning that it looks more white than the surrounding healthy brain tissue.