" There are. It's just, my boy—" The fox tousled the boy's fur.
The wind tousled Velma's hair and tickled her butterfly's wings.
He sat propped in a chair, his face gaunt, his hair tousled above the broad forehead.
在椅子, 面容憔悴,宽阔的前额方的发乱糟糟的。
My mother, unable to resist his charm, reached out to him and tousled his hair and said, " Che muvi star! "
母亲法拒奥利弗的魅力,伸手揉揉的发说:“Che star!”
She is wearing one of his T-shirts, and her long hair is tousled in a way that prompts reflexive thoughts of the previous night.
她穿着的一件 T 恤,长发乱糟糟的, 不禁让人想起昨晚的事。
Afterward, people shook his hand. Some of them tousled my hair and shook my hand too. I was so proud of Baba, of us.
There she was, on the TV screen, tousling my hair in relief. It was Thanksgiving, and I was twelve. We'd gone to see my grandmother in California, the last year before she died.