Buck jumped in immediately and swam three hundred me tres until he reached Thornton.
巴克立即跃入水中, 游了300桑顿的身边。
A rest is very welcome after running five thousand kilome tres, and Buck slowly got fatter and stronger.
对巴克来说, 在奔波了5000公里之, 休息是最快意的事情了, 他逐渐恢复了强壮, 长胖了许多。
But yes, c'est tres poopy, she was the last one who saw Bo.
是的 是太慢了 她是最後一个看见波的人。
Uno, dos, tres. That's it. And I had no idea that he did, yeah.
只会说一二三 我也知道他会说。
The largest was two me tres tall, and his antlers were more than two metres across.
最大的一头有高, 只鹿角甚至有多宽。
So, the pitch is high on the stress syllable 'in' and then drops quickly for the other two 'tres' 'ting' 'interesting'.
Now, the first two are inconclusive, but the last two I found something tres weird.
前次是确定的 次我发现异常奇怪的东西。
Then the Bois and Champs Elysees are tres magnifique.
然,Bois 和 Champs Elysees 非常壮观。
Penny with a new guy, tres awkward.
佩妮有了新男友 非常尴尬。
Valentina Mihailovna frowned, and remarked that it was de tres mauvais gout.
She says can you say, tres, tristes, tigres, tragaban, trigo, en un trigal?
她说你能说 tres, tristes, tigres, tragaban, trigo, en un trigal 吗?
Actually, make it tres. And whatever the lady wants.
还是来三杯吧 女士要什么随意。
It didn't always track in Pemberton Heights—his Mexican dad in the house diligently soaking a tres leches while his blond mom stood out in the yard flipping burgers—but it worked.
在彭伯顿高地, 这种情况并总是有效——他的墨西哥爸爸在家里勤奋地泡着三奶, 而他的金发妈妈则站在院子里煎汉堡——它确实有效。