The tsar protected his personal prerogatives.
They formed part of fluid international networks with Russian and western European artists; but they also drew on Ukrainian traditions of folk and decorative arts that had endured under rule by the tsars and other outside powers.
The pre-war disparagements of Mr Zelensky as a creature of Mr Kolomoisky and even of the Kremlin; the splits in his entourage, gripes about his economic amateurishness and alleged cronyism—all these seem as relevant as treaties made by 17th-century tsars.
泽伦斯基先生在战前被贬低为科洛莫伊斯基先生甚至克里姆林宫的产物;他随从的分裂, 对他在经济上的业余性和所谓的任人唯亲的抱怨——所有这些似乎与 17 世纪沙皇签订的条约一样重要。
As Olga Maiorova of the University of Michigan notes, in the book Dostoyevsky hopes Russia will continue its conquest into Asia, so that people " all the way to India" might " become convinced of the invincibility of the white tsar" .
正如密歇根大学的 Olga Maiorova 指的那样,陀思妥耶夫斯基在书中希望俄罗斯继续征服亚洲, 以便“远道而来的印度” 的人们“相信白人沙皇是不可战胜的” 。