Now a team of physicists in Denmark, led by Albert Schliesser and Eugene Polzik, has demonstrated a new kind of radio tuner that is far more sensitive to faint signals.
现在,由 Albert Schliesser 和 Eugene Polzik 领导的组丹麦物理学家展示了种新的无电调谐器,它对微弱信号敏感得多。
The Sega Game Gear is known for ripping through batteries, but there was also a TV tuner that you could put on the top allowed you to watch television stations on the portable console.
世嘉 Game Gear 以可拆卸电池而闻名,但也有个电视调谐器,你可以把它放在顶部,让你在便携式控制台上观看电视节目。