| 划词

Between you and me I think that new supervisor is a twit.



Stop messing around, you silly twit!

别胡闹了, 你这蠢货!



chalybite, chalypite, cham, chamade, Chamaebatia, chamaecin, chamaecrany, Chamaeleon, Chamaeleontidae, chamaelirin,


3G, 401(K), a,



" Because you are not a complete twit."



As for the tots, they're twits.


BBC 听力 2013年12月合集

It twitted that it is a worthless decision from an illegal government.


BBC 听力 2015年10月合集

Mr.Dorsey said in a twit that he wanted to reinvest in people.


BBC 听力 2014年11月合集

She is now facing police interrogation over similar twits. The signs are not good.


BBC 听力 2013年9月合集

Irina Rodnina twitted a photo-collage showing an unidentified hand offering the US President a banana.


BBC 听力 2015年10月合集

In one of his first twits, Mr. Snowden described himself as just a citizen with voice.


AP 听力 2014年11月合集

Users twit a payment request to ask money and they twit to the destination confirming payment throughout the world to see.



Oh, for god sakes, you bleached blonde twit. I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about you and Bradley.

噢,老天,你这个金发碧眼笨蛋。我说不是我,我说是你和 Bradley。

废材联盟| Community

I am just using regular psychology on the spineless, British twit.



You're a polite twit, but you're not an idiot.

你虽然口蜜腹剑 可不是白痴。

老友记Friends 第五季

I don't care if I said some other girl's name, you prissy old twit!

就算我说错名字又怎样 你这大惊小怪笨蛋!

英音:德雷尔一家(The Durrells)第一季

While Margo was turning into a twit.


破产姐妹 第1季

Can you twits pick another time to do this?

你们俩呆子 找其他时间斗嘴好吧?


I am not so ecclesiastical as Naumann, and I sometimes twit him with his excess of meaning.

我不像 Naumann 那样虔诚, 有时我会拿他多义来笑他。


Look, you know what I think of Caroline Forbes. She's an insecure, neurotic, bitchy little twit. -Hey.



Have I not often twitted Nikhil that they who walk in the paths of restraint have never known what sacrifice is?

我不是经常和尼基尔开玩笑说, 那些走在克制道路上人从来不知道什么是牺牲吗?


He twitted Whitmore about not being good enough for Liz Garrowby and boasted that he could take her from him in a week.

他嘲笑惠特莫尔配不上丽兹·加洛比, 并吹嘘说他可以在一周内把她从他身边夺走。

老友记第五季 Friends Season_05

I-I-I don't care if I said some other girl'sname you prissy, old twit!

我是说错名字!有什么大不了! 你这个老顽固!


" And still no more dead men, " I twitted Louis, when Smoke and Henderson, side by side, in friendly conversation, took their first exercise on deck.

" 怎么还没有死更多人呢?" 我嘲笑路易。 那时" 黑崽" 和亨德森在甲板上肩并肩做着第一次锻炼,友好地谈着话。



cheilodromous, cheilognathopalatoschisis, cheilognathoschisis, cheilognathouranoschisis, cheilogramma, cheiloncus, cheilophagia, cheiloplasty, cheilorrhagia, cheilorrhaphy, cheiloschisis, cheilosis, Cheilostomata, cheilostomatoplasty, cheilotomy, cheimaphobia, cheirantin, cheirapsis, cheiro-, cheirobrachialgia, cheiroline, cheiromancy, cheiroplasty, cheiropodagra, cheiropodalgia, cheiropompholyx, cheiropterophily, cheiropterygium, cheiroscope, cheirostemonous, Cheirotonus, cheirotoxin, Cheju, Cheka, chekan, Chekhov, Chekhovian, Chekiang, CHEL, chela, chelais, cheland, chelant, chelatase, chelate, chelate compound, chelated, chelates, chelation, chelatomery, chelatometry, chelator, chelerythrine, cheleutite, cheli-, chelicera, cheliceral, Chelicerata, chelicerate, Chelidae, chelidon, chelidonine, chelidonism, chelifer, cheliferous, chelifore, cheliform, chelinga, cheliped, Chellean, Chellian, chellin, chelmsfordite, chelobase, chelocardin, cheloid, chelometry, chelon, chelonethida, Chelonia, chelonian, chelonin, Chelonus, chelophora, chelos, Chelsea, Cheltenham, Cheltonian, chelura, Cheluridae, cheluviation, chem-, chem., Chemakuan, chemasthenia, chemautotrophy, Chem-Bam, chemboard, chemecology, chemene, Chemex, chemform, chemglaze, chemiadsorption, chemiatry, chemic, chemical, chemical action, chemical agent, chemical analysis, chemical balance, chemical bond, chemical change, chemical compound, chemical element, chemical energy, chemical engineering, chemical equilibrium, chemical formula, chemical industry, chemical integration, chemical plant, chemical property, chemical rain, chemical reaction, chemical warfare, chemical weapon, chemicalization, chemicalize, chemically, chemical-resisting, chemicals, chemicaltopology, chemichromatography, chemicking, chemicla, chemicobiological, chemicobiology, chemicogenesis, chemicophysical, chemicophysics, chemiculture, chemicure, chemidin, chemification, chemigraph, chemigrapher, chemigraphic, chemigraphically, chemigraphy, chemigum, chemihydrometry, chemi-ionization, chemiloon, chemiluminescence, chemiluminescent, chemiluminescnet, chemin de fer, chemin-de-fer, cheminosis, chemiosmosis, chemiosmotic, chemiotaxis, chemiotherapy, chemiotropism, chemipulper, chemise, chemisette, chemism, chemisorb, chemisorption, chemist, chemi-stirrer, chemistry, chemists, chemitype, chemization, chemkleen, chem-mill, chemmy, Chemnitz, chemo-, chemoanalytic, chemo-antigen, chemo-assay, chemoattractant, chemoautotroph, chemoautotrophic, chemo-autotrophic, chemoautotrophism, chemoautotrophy, Chem-O-Bam, chemobiodynamics, chemobiotic, chemocarcinogenesis, chemocautery, chemocepter, chemoceptor, chemocin, chemocline, chemocoagulation, chemocreep, chemode, chemodectoma, chemodifferentiation, chemo-differentiation, chemodiffusional, chemodynesis, chemoevolution, chemofining, chemogenic, chemogradient, chemographic, chemography, chemoheterotroph, chemoimmunity, chemoimmunology, chemoimmunotherapy, chemokine, chemokinesis, chemolithotrophy, chemology, chemoluminescence, chemolysis, chemometrics, chemomorphosis, chemonastic, chemonasty, chemonite, chemonuclear, chemoorganotrophy, chemopapain, chemopause, chemophysiology, chemoplast, chemoprophylactic, chemoprophylaxis, chemopsychiatry, chemoreception, chemoreceptive, chemoreceptivity, chemoreceptor, chemoreflex, chemorepellent, chemoresistance, chemorheology, chemosensitive, chemosensitivity, chemosensory, chemoserotherapy, chemosetting, chemosis, chemosmosis, chemosmotic, chemosorb, chemosorbent, chemosorption, chemosphere, chemostat, chemosterilant, chemosterilants, chemosterilization, chemosterilize, chemosugery, chemosurgery, chemosynthesis, chemosynthetic, chemotactic, chemotactically, chemotactism, chemotaxis, chemotaxonomy, chemotaxy, chemotec, chemothalamectomy, chemotherapeutant, chemotherapeutic, chemotherapeutics, chemotherapist, chemotherapy, chemotron, chemotronics, chemotrophy, chemotropic, chemotropically, chemotropism, chemotype, chemovar, Chemulpo, Chemungian, chemurgist, chemurgy, Chem-warrior, Chen, chena, Chenab, Chenag, chenango, chenar, chenchalok, chenevixite, Chengchow, Chengdu, Chengteh, Chengtu, chenhuan, chenier, chenille, chenliang, chenopod, Chenopodiaceae, chenopodiaceous, Chenopodium, chenopodium album, cheongsam, cheong-sam, cheoplasty, Cheops, cheque, cheque book, chequebook, cheque-book, chequer, chequered, Chequers, cheques, Cher, cheracol, cheradium, cheralite, Cherbourg, chereme, Cherenkov, chergui, Cheribon, cherimoya, cherish, chermeuse, Cherminae, chernikite, Chernobyl, chernozem, Cherokee, Cherokee rose, cherokine, cheromania, cheroot, cherophobia, Cherrapunji, cherries, cherry, cherry bomb, cherry plum, cherry red, cherry tomato, cherry tree, cherryade, cherry-picking, cherrystone, cherrywood, chersonese, chersophyte, chert, chertification, cherty, cherub, cherubic, cherubim, Cherubin, cherubism, cherubs, cherup, chervil, chervonets, Chery, Cheryl, Chesapeake, Chesapeake Bay, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Cheshire, Cheshire cat, Cheshire Cheese, Cheshvan, cheskey, chess, chess game, chess piece, chess player, chessboard, chessel, chesset, chessman, chessom, chessylite, chest, chest of drawers, chest pain, chest piece, chest protector, chested, Chester, chesterfield, Chesterfieldian, Chesterian, Chesterton, Chestertonian, chestful, chesting, chestnut, chestnut brown, chestnutting, chestnuttube, chest-on-chest, chestplate, chestpod, chest-protector, chesty, chetah, cheth, chetivism, Chetnik, chetomin, chetrum, cheval, cheval-de-frise, chevalet, cheval-glass, chevalier, chevalier-montrachet, cheval-vapeur, chevaux-de-frise, chevelure, chevening, cheverel, cheveron, chevet, chevillier, chevin, Cheviot, Cheviot Hills, Chevisol, chevkinite, chevon, chevreaux, chevres, chevret, chevrette, Chevroler, Chevrolet, chevron, chevrotain, chevy, chew, chew over, chew the fat, chewie, chewing, chewing gum, chewingsweets, chewink, chews, chewy, Cheyenne, Cheyletus, chez, CHH, chi, chia, chiack, chian, Chiang Mai, Chianti, chiao, Chiapas, chiaretto, chiaroscurist, chiaroscuro, chiasm, chiasma, chiasmata, chiasmatypy, Chiasmodontidae, chiasmus, chiaster, chiastic, chiastik, chiastobasidial, chiastobasidium, chiastolite, chiastoneury, chiastron, chiaus, Chiba, Chibcha, Chibchan, chibigouazou, chibinite, chibol, chibouk, chibouque, chic, Chica, Chicago, Chicagoan, chicalote, Chicana, chicane, chicanery, chicanismo, Chicano, Chicanos, chiccory, chicha, Chichester, chichi, chi-chi, chichili, chichipate, chichipe, chichism, chichituna, chick, chick pea, chickabiddy, chickadee, chickaree, chickasaw, chickee, chicken, chicken breast, chicken feed, chicken hawk, chicken leg, Chicken Little, chicken manure, chicken out, chicken pox, chicken run, chicken salad, chicken sandwich, chicken soup, chicken wing, chicken wire, chickenbreast, chicken-breasted, chickenbroth, chickencholera, chicken-dancing, chickenfeed, chicken-head, chickenhearted, chickenlivered, chicken-livered, chickenpox, chickenshit, chicken-wire, chickeny, chickfurter, chicklet, chickling, chickpea, chick-pea, chickweed, chicle, chicly, chico, Chicony, Chicopee, chicory, chicot, chid, chidden, chide, Chideruan, chief, Chief Executive, chief executive officer, chief financial officer, chief justice, chief of staff, chief of state, chief operating officer, Chief Petty Officer, chiefdom, chiefess, chiefless, chiefly, chief-rent, chiefship, chieftain, chieftaincy, chieftainess, chieftainship, chiefy, Chieh-qua, chiel, chield, chiffchaff, chiffon, chiffonade, chiffonelle, chiffonette, chiffonier, chiffonnier, chifforobe, chiflone, Chifonese, chigetai, chigger, chignin, chignon, chigoe, Chihkou, Chihpien, Chihshih, ChihsiaFormation, Chihuahua, chik, chika, chiklite, chil-, Chilachap, chilalgia, chilarium, chilauni, chilblain, chilblained, child, child abuse, child care, child neglect, child pornography, child prodigy, child psychology, childbearing, childbed, childbed fever, childbirth, childe, Childermas, childhood, childie, childing, childish, childishly, childishness, childless, childlike, childly, childmind, childminder, child-minder, childness, childproof, child-proof, children, childrenese, childrenite, child-welfare, chile, Chile pine, Chilean, Chileanize, Chileans, chilectomy, chilectropion, Chileguava, chileite, chilenite, chileno, chiles, chili, chili con carne, chili pepper, chili powder, Chili sauce, chiliad, Chilian, chiliarch, chiliarchy, chiliasm, chiliast, chiliburger, chilidium, chilidog, chilies, chilile, chiling, chilisaltpeter, chilitis, Chilkat, chill, chill out, chillagite, chillator, chilldown, chilled, chiller, chiller-crystallizer, chillers, chilli, chillies, chillily, chill-inducer, chilliness, chilling, chillness, Chillon, chilloplasty, chillout, chill-pressing, chillsome, chilly, chilodonelliasis, Chiloe, chilognathopalatoschisis, chilomastigiasis, Chilomastix, chilomonad, chilopa, chilophagia, chilopod, Chilopoda, chilopodiasis, chilostome, chilotomy, chilte, chiltern, chiltonite, chiluite, chilver, chimae, chimaera, chimaeric, Chimaeridae, chimaeriferus, Chimaeriformes, chimaerism, chimaphilin, chimar, chimatlon, chimayo, chimb, Chimborazo, chime, chimed, Chimer, chimera, chimeras, chimere, chimeric, chimerical, chimerism, chimeron, chimes, chimney, chimney piece, chimney pot, chimney stack, chimney sweep, chimney swift, chimney-breast, chimneyhead, chimneying, chimneynook, chimneypiece, chimney-pot, chimneys, chimney-stack, chimney-sweep, chimomycin, chimonochlorous, chimonophile, chimonophilous, chimopelagic, chimoto, chimp, chimpanzee, chimurenga, chin, Ch'in, chin music, chin rest, China, China aster, china clay, China grass, China rose, china stone, China tree, China-aster, chinaberry, chinaclay, china-clay, chinacrin, chinacrine, chinagraph, chinagreen, Chinajoy, Chinaman, chinampa, Chinanet, Chinanina, chinaphthol, chinar, ChinaRen, chinaroot, China's mainland, chinaseptol, CHINASSB, chinastone, Chinatown, chinaware, ChinaZip, chinbone, chincap, chincapin, chinch, chinch bug, chincherinchee, chinchilla, Chinchillidae, chinchin, chin-chin, chinchona, chinchorro, chinchy, chincough, chin-deep, Chindwin, chine, Chinee, Chinees, chinela, Chinese, Chinese anise, chinese boxing, Chinese cabbage, Chinese checkers, Chinese chestnut, Chinese cinnamon, Chinese date, Chinese gooseberry, Chinese hibiscus, Chinese jujube, Chinese lantern, Chinese mainland, Chinese puzzle, Chinese red, Chinese Revolution, Chinese Wall, Chinese wood oil, Chinese yam, Chinese-English, chinfest, ching, Ch'ing, ching-chieh, Chinghai, Chingku, Chinhuangtao, chinidine, chiniofon, chink, chinkapin, chinkerinchee, chinkolobwite, Chinks, chinkuning, chinky, chinless, chin-lift, chinlon, Chinmen, Chinnampo, chinning, chinny, chino, Chino-, Chino-Caribbean, chinoform, chinoin, chinois, chinoiserie, chinoite, chinol, chinoline, chinometer, chinomethionat, Chinon, chinone, Chinook, chinook salmon, Chinookan, CHINOPERL, chinorin, chinoscorodite, chinosol, chinostrengite, chinotoxine, chinotropin, chinovariscite, chinovin, chinovnik, chinpeimine, chinpiece, chinquapin, chinse, chints, chintz, chintzah, chintzing, chintzy, chin-up, chinwag, chin-wag, chiolite, chiomomycin, chionanthus, chionathin, chionic, chionite, chionium, chionodoxa, chionophile, chionophilous, chionophobe, chionophobia, chionophobous, Chios, chip, chip away at, chip out, chip shot, chipailium, chip-axe, chipboard, chipbreaker, chip-breaker, chipcore, Chipewyan, chiphead, chipidium, chip-load, chipmuck, chipmunk, chip-off, chipolata, chipped, Chippendale, chipper, Chippewa, chippie, chipping, chipping-out, chippings, chip-proof, chippy, chiprupter, chips, chipset, chipware, chipway, Chiquita, chiragra, chiral, chirality, chiratin, chi-rho, Chiricahua, Chiridotidae, chirimoya, chiripa, chirismus, chirivita, chirk, chirkle, chirm, chiro-, chirobrachialgia, Chirodidae, chirognomy, chirograph, chirographer, chirography, chirogymnast, chirokinesthesia, chirol, chirology, chiromancer, chiromancy, chiromegaly, chirometer, chiron, chironomid, chironym, chiroplasty, chiropodalgia, chiropodist, chiropody, chiropompholyx, chiropractic, chiropractor, chiropraxis, chiropter, chiroptera, chiropteran, chiropterite, chiropterophilous, chiropterygium, chiroscope, chiroscopy, chirospasm, chirosporous, chirotheca, chirotype, chiroxylographic, chirp, chirpily, chirping, chirps, chirpy, chirr, chirrup, chirrupy, chiru, chirurgeon, chirurgery, chirvinskite, Chisanbop, chisel, chisel in, chiseled, chiseler, chiseling, chiselled, chiselling, chiselly, chiselmouth, Chisels, Chishima, chi-square, chistera, chit, Chit Chat, Chita, chital, chitarrone, chitchat, chitin, chitinase, chitinization, chitinoclastic, chitinous, Chitinozoa, chitinozoans, chitlin, chitling, chitlings, chitlins, chitobiose, chiton, chitonal, chitoneure, chitonitis, chitons, chitosamine, chitosan, chitose, chitotriose, chits, chitsystem, chit-system, chittack, Chittagong, chittagonywood, chittamwood, chitter, chittering, chitterlings, chittue, Chitty, ChiussuFormation, chiv, chivalresque, chivalric, chivalrous, chivalrously, chivalry, chivaree,


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