He unburdened a horse of its load.
In the past few weeks, unburdened by trivial decisions, I've co-authored two papers in notable peer reviewed journals, and I'm close to figuring out why the Large Hadron Collider has yet to isolate the Higgs boson particle.
这几周因为不用做琐碎的决定 已经和别人合作在著名 同行评审期刊上发表了两篇论文
也就快搞清楚 大型强子对撞机 是如何分离出希格斯玻色子的。
No one unburdened with very heavy anxieties could have felt otherwise than happy that morning: and it must be said that whatever anxieties might lie beneath the surface of things, we didn't seem to come across any of them.
They are always accompanied by the men, who stride on, unburdened and erect, a little in advance, kindly stooping at difficult places to pile stepping-stones for their patient, pack-animal wives, just as they would prepare the way for their ponies.