He speaks in unctuous tones.
So one of our team members created this mechanical homogenizerthat breaks down coffee granules, hot water, collagen and ghee togetherand creates this unctuous, satisfying mouthfeel solutionthat is really nice to drink.
因此,我们一名团队成员创造了这种机械均质器,它可以将咖啡颗粒、热水、胶原蛋白和酥油一起分解,并创造出这种油腻、令人满意口感解决方案, 非常好喝。
There upon the floor was a dark and putrid mass, seething with corruption and hideous rottenness, neither liquid nor solid, but melting and changing before our eyes, and bubbling with unctuous oily bubbles like boiling pitch.
The truth was, nevertheless, that it had been planted by Alice Pyncheon, —she was Phoebe's great-great-grand-aunt, —in soil which, reckoning only its cultivation as a garden-plat, was now unctuous with nearly two hundred years of vegetable decay.
然而,事实是,它是由爱丽丝·品钦 (Alice Pyncheon) 种下——她是菲比曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾看过做过做过过过过过]蔬菜腐烂。
The best of judges were at fault sometimes—Gotobed might turn out to be that lean and harmless-looking individual in the front row—but he would be surprised if Gotobed were any but that unctuous creature with the loose lower lip.
最好评委有也会犯错——Gotobed 可能会成为前排那个瘦弱、看起来无害人——但如果 Gotobed 不是那个下嘴唇松弛油腻人,会感到惊讶。