He was reluctant to strike such an undignified pose before his girlfriend.
Life without a toilet is dirty, dangerous and undignified.
It was an undignified end to Mr Ramaphosa's first year in office.
This is where it gets kind of undignified, but what do you care, you're dead.
这是有点不体面的地方, 但是你关心什么,你已经死了。
“I must look most undignified, to make the old washerwoman laugh so! ” said the King.
Instead of which, that undignified creature answered, with an irrepressible sob, " Because you are going away."
I think it's gross and undignified that I have to eat breakfast next to him on the potty.
This morning, another suicide bomb happened in Surabaya. This is the act of cowards, an undignified and barbaric action.
Among other things opportunity had of late years been denied her of learning to be undignified, for she lived lonely.
Why not? - She finds it undignified.
为什么 - 她觉得不体面。
In this undignified way they crossed the courtyard.
Some of us find this distasteful – an undignified kind of life.
If it's the end of your undignified campaign, I won't be sorry.
如果你们的" 大计" 因此不得施展,我倒乐见其成。
In spite of Mrs. Medlock's warning, Mr. Roach only just escaped being sufficiently undignified to jump backward.
尽管有 Medlock 夫的警告,Roach 先生还是差一点就有严地向后跳了。
Birch's Wi-Fi was excellent and the workspaces had enough sockets to avoid undignified tussles for the last place to plug in your chargers.
There had been rumors in recent days that he would potentially split the party, break the party if he went out in an undignified way.
He began to lose that virile disdain which repels with a drastic oath certain undignified ideas which besiege the soul of the unhappy.
Then, in an undignified pursuit of dignity, he rushed back to the shelter of the house as quickly as he had rushed out.
Mama, this is so eaxctly not what we wanted the evening to be. - If it's the end of your undignified campaign, I won't be sorry.
妈妈,这跟我们的计划大相径庭。- 如果你们的" 大计" 因此不得施展,我倒乐见其成。
" What... what did you say" ? he blurted out, not at all in his accustomed ministerial baritones, but in an extremely undignified manner.
“你… … 你说什么” ?他脱口而出, 完全不是他惯用的部长级男中音, 而是极其不体面的方式。
Madame Berthelini, who was art and part with him in these undignified labours, had perhaps a higher position in the scale of beings, and enjoyed a natural dignity of her own.