New to such circumstances, the importance of it appeared unspeakably great, and she contemplated it as one of those grand events, of which the ordinary course of life can hardly afford a return.
" You are unspeakably good — now I am happy" ! said Naumann, and then went on in German to Will, pointing here and there to the sketch as if he were considering that.
“你好——这下我开心了”! Naumann ,然后继续用德语对 Will ,指着那幅素描,好像他正在考虑那样。
She was unspeakably touched by the tender efforts of her father to think of cheerful subjects on which to talk, and so to take her thoughts away from dwelling on all that had happened of late.
'Now, papa, I have told you this, and I cannot tell you more; and then the whole thing is so painful to me; every word and action connected with it is so unspeakably bitter, that I cannot bear to think of it.