Vulgarity is a very important ingredient in life.
Bach must be turning in his grave at the vulgarities of the twentieth century.
But the meaning of vulgarity can change and be unclear, she said.
You're kind of the Brunt of her vulgarity.She does so many things to you. That must be really...
你激发了詹妮弗粗俗的一 你做了很多事 那一定。
Meme was bothered by the vulgarity of that.
Meme 被这种粗俗所困扰。
They affect us just as vulgarity affects us.
She shrugged her shoulders, as if his vulgarity wearied her.
耸了耸肩, 好像他的粗俗让厌倦了似的。
Many believe he personifies qualities like vulgarity, ignorance, superficiality, materialism, and narcissism.
She, too, could produce avarice, brutality, stupidity—and, what was worse, vulgarity.
,同样,可以产生贪婪, 野蛮,愚蠢——更糟糕的是, 粗俗。
Here, for all their vulgarity, he thought, they were faintly and subtly mysterious.
在这里,尽管他们很粗俗, 他想,他们隐约而微妙地神秘。
Hence, vulgarity is the fault of acting and not writing.
故庸俗是行之过, 非作之过。
As it happens, I agree with my mother: profanity and vulgarity is the language of the ignorant and the verbally challenged.
Death and vulgarity are the only two facts in the nineteenth century that one cannot explain away.
死亡和粗俗是 19 世纪仅有的两个无法解释的事实。
Wachowski and her script partners, David Mitchell and Aleksandar Hemon, moreover, stud the dialogue with fairly frequent vulgarities.
'Mamma is accusing me of having picked up a great deal of vulgarity since we came to Milton'.
I don't know where I get it but it's—oh, things like this and bright colors and gaudy vulgarity.
我不知道我从哪里弄来的, 但它是——哦, 像这样的东西, 鲜艳的色彩和华而不实的粗俗。
They expose the realities in minute detail the pretenses and vulgarity of the period's middle class and traditional low-down of the peasants.
在其作品中,他细致入微地揭露 现实,揭露中产阶级的虚伪和粗俗,展现传统农民的生活真相。
The tinge of unpretentious, inoffensive vulgarity in Mrs. Vincy gave more effect to Rosamond's refinement, which was beyond what Lydgate had expected.
I saw that it dealt almost entirely with the sexual side of marriage-and dealt with it frankly and without any touch of vulgarity.
我看到它几乎完全涉及婚姻的性方——并且坦率地处理它, 没有任何粗俗的痕迹。
Scarlett saw in a glance that the dress was bright in color to the point of vulgarity but nevertheless her eyes went over the outfit hungrily.
On the crest of this wave of vulgarity, Scarlett rode triumphantly, newly a bride, dashingly pretty in her fine clothes, with Rhett's money solidly behind her.
Herseverity made the house a redoubt of old customs in a town convulsed by the vulgarity with which the outsiders squandered their easy fortunes.