These days, though, declarations of data dependence by the Federal Reserve are more interesting: they sound like plaintive pleas rather than statements of the obvious.
With the dogs falling, Mercedes weeping and riding, Hal swearing innocuously, and Charles's eyes wistfully watering, they staggered into John Thornton's camp at the mouth of White River.
With these words, Mr. Bounderby extended his right hand to the weeping lady, and escorted her to the conveyance in question, shedding many plaintive sneezes by the way.
She had a plaintive way of saying, " When Papa was rich we did so–and–so, " which was very touching, and her long words were considered 'perfectly elegant' by the girls.
Her low almost harsh voice rose a few notes, simulating a plaintive coquetry: " Say: 'Ickle durl, oo is de pwettiest sing'. What do you think you say" ?
她低沉几乎刺耳音提高了几个音符, 模仿哀撒娇:“说:'Ickle durl, oo is de pwettiest sing'。你觉得你说是什么” ?
She had a plaintive way of saying, " When Papa was rich we did so-and-so, " which was very touching, and her long words were considered 'perfectly elegant' by the girls.
'If all men were to act as you advise, ' commented Shubin with a plaintive expression, 'none on earth would eat pine-apples; every one would be offering them to other people'.
At the grey tea hour there were always rooms that throbbed incessantly with this low sweet fever, while fresh faces drifted here and there like rose petals blown by the sad horns around the floor.
But the face took on, as the youth smiled his surprise at their second meeting, a look of almost plaintive good-will: the kind of look that Millner scorned and yet could never quite resist.
In the distance a deep sound that had been audible for some moments identified itself by a plaintive mooing like that of a gigantic cow and by the pearly spot of a headlight apparent half a mile away.