| 划词

The dog nosed out a rat.



The dog nosed the car carefully.




costae, costal, costalgia, costalia, costalis, costar, co-star, costard, Costarica, Costarican, costarum, Costas, costate, cost-benefit, Costco, costean, costeaning, costectomy, cost-effective, cost-effectiveness, cost-efficient, Costello, costen, costene, coster, Costermansville, costermonger, cost-free, cost-freight-insurance, costful, costing, costive, costless, costliness, costly, costmary, costo-, costodiaphragmitis, cost-of-living, costol, costopneumopexy, costoscapular, costosternoplasty, costotome, costotomy, costotransversectomy, cost-plus, cost-plus-fixed-fee, cost-push, cost-recovering, costrel, costrip, costs, costula, costumbrista, costume, costume designer, costumed, costumer, costumes, costumey, costumier, costuming, costunolide, costuslactone, cosulfa, cosupervision, cosuppression, co-surety, co-suretyship, cosurfactant, cosurveillance, cosy, cosynthesis, co-synthesis, cosynthetase, cot, cot death, cotamer, cotangent, COTAR, cotarnine, cotarnone, cot-case, cot-death, cote, coteau, coteaux, cotechino, cotelomer, cotemaker, cotemporaneous, cotemporary, cotenancy, cotenant, cotensor, co-tensor, coterie, coterminal, coterminous, Cotes, coth, Cothias, cothurn, cothurnus, cotics, cotidal, cotillion, cotillon, cotinga, Cotingidae, cotmar, coto, Cotofor, cotoin, Coton, cotoneaster, cotonier, Cotonou, Cotopaxi, cotquean, cotransaminase, cotranscript, cotranscription, cotransduction, cotransfection, cotransformation, cotranslation, cotransport, cotree, co-tree, COTS, Cotswold, Cotswolds, cotta, cottage, cottage cheese, cottage industry, cottage pie, cottager, cottar, cottaring, cottarpinning, cotte, cotter, cotter pin, cotterel, cottering, cotter-pin, cotterpinning, cotterway, Cottidae, cottier, Cottiformes, cottle, Cottoidei, cotton, cotton ball, cotton candy, cotton cloth, cotton fiber, cotton flannel, cotton gin, cotton mill, cotton on, cotton rose, cotton wood, cotton wool, cottonade, cottonbelt, cottonette, cottonine, cottonize, cottonizing, cottonmouth, cottonocracy, Cottonopolis, cotton-padded, cottonpickin', cottonpicking, cottonpox, cottonseed, cottonseed oil, cottontail, cottontape, cottonweed, cottonwood, cottonwool, cottony, Cottrell, cottrell precipitator, Cottus, cotunnite, co-twin, cotyla, cotyle, cotyledon, cotyledonous, cotyloid, cotylopubic, cotylosacral, cotylosaur, cotype, cotype(=syntype), coucal, couch, couch grass, couch potato, couchant, couche, couchee, coucher, couchette, couch-grass, couching, couchy, Coudé, couette, cougar, cougars, cough, cough drop, coughing, coughs, Couinae, coul, coulability, could, coulda, couldn't, couldst, coulee, coulentum, coulibiac, coulisse, couloir, coulomb, coulombic, coulombmeter, coulometer, coulometrictitration, coulometry, coulopotentiography, coulostatic analysis, coulter, coumachlor, Coumadin, coumafuryl, coumalin, coumaphos, Coumaran, coumarin, coumarone, coumermycin, council, Council Bluffs, council board, council chamber, council tax, councilboard, councilchamber, council-chamber, councillor, councilman, councilor, councilorship, councils, councilwoman, counit, counsel, counselable, counselee, counseling, counselling, counsellor, counselor, counselor-at-law, count, count down, count in, count off, count on, count out, count up, countability, countable, countdown, count-down, countenance, counter, counter-, counter attack, counter balance, counter check, counter current, counter example, counter offer, counter punch, counter top, counter weight, counteraccusation, counteract, counteractant, counteraction, counteractive, counter-adaptation, counteradvertising, counteradvice, counteragent, counterappeal, counterapproach, counterargue, counterargument, counterattack, counterattraction, counterbalance, counterbalancing, counterbattery, counter-bid, counterblast, counterblow, counterbore, counterboring, counterboy, counterbrace, counterbracing, counterbuff, counterbuffer, counter-camber, counterchange, countercharge, countercheck, counter-circulation, counterclaim, counterclamps, counterclockwise, counter-clockwise, countercommercial, counterconditioning, counter-controller, counter-countermeasures, countercoup, countercredit, countercry, counterculture, countercurrent, countercyclical, countercylinder, counterdeclaration, counterdeed, counter-deed, counterdemand, counterdemonstrate, counterdemonstration, counterdevice, counterdie, counter-doping, counter-down, counterdrain, counterdraw, counterdrive, counterdrug, counterearth, counteredge, counter-electrode, counterelectrophoresis, counterespionage, counteretch, counterevidence, counter-evolution, counterexample, counterextension, counterface, counterfactual, counterfeit, counterfeiter, counterfeiting, counterfeits, counterflange, counter-flashing, counterflow, counterfoil, counterforce, counterfort, countergirl, counterglow, counterguard, counter-indemnity, counter-induction, counter-inflationary, counterinsurgency, counterinsurgent, counterintelligence, counterintuitive, counterion, counterions, counterirritant, counterirritate, counterirritation, counter-irritation, counterjerk, counter-jerk, counterjumper, counterlath, counterlathing, counterlight, counterlode, counterman, countermand, countermarch, countermark, countermarketing, countermeasure, countermeasurer, countermelody, countermine, countermissile, countermodulation, counter-modulation, countermoment, countermortar, countermove, countermovement, countermure, counteroffensive, counteroffer, counteropening, counterorder, counterpane, counterpart, counterphobic, counterpiston, counterplan, counterplay, counterplea, counterplead, counterplot, counterpoint, counterpoise, counterpole, counterpose, counter-potential, counterpressure, counterproductive, counterprofile, counterprogram, counterprogramming, counterproof, counterpropaganda, counterpropagation, counterpropeller, counterproposal, counterproposition, counterpull, counterpulsation, counterpunch, counterradiation, counter-rail, counterreaction, counter-recoil, counterreconnaissance, counterreformation, counterreply, counterrevolution, counterrevolutionary, counter-revolutionary, counterrevolutionist, counterrotating, counterrotation, counterscarp, countersea, counterselection, countershading, countershaft, countershear, countershock, countersign, countersignature, countersink, countersinking, counterslope, counterspy, counterstain, counterstaining, counterstatement, Counter-Strike, counterstroke, countersubject, countersuggestion, countersun, countersunk, countertelescope, countertendency, countertenor, counterterror, counterterrorism, counterterrorist, counter-test, counterthrust, countertide, countertop, countertorque, countertrade, countertrades, countertransference, countertrend, countertube, counterturn, counter-twilight, countertwist, countertype, counterurbanization, countervail, countervailing, countervailing duty, countervailingcredit, countervanes, counter-vault, counterveins, counterview, counterviolence, counterweigh, counterweight, counterword, counterwork, counterworker, countess, countian, counting, counting house, countingcup, counting-frame, countinghouse, counting-number, counting-plate, countingring, counting-room, countless, countout, countrified, countrify, country, country club, country house, country music, country of origin, country-and-western, country-born, country-bred, country-cut, country-dance, countryfied, countryfolk, country-house, countryman, countrymen, countrypeople, countryroad, countryseat, countryside, countryward, countrywide, country-wide, countrywoman, countship, county, county agent, county council, county seat, county town,


3G, 401(K), a,



Think about where a dog's nose is.



Like human fingerprints, dog noses are no two alike.


科学60秒 2017年2月合

They then outfitted a commercial vapor detector with sniffing nostrils, inspired by the dog nose.


VOA Special 2022年8月合

Here is an example: My dog's nose is cold.


当月 CNN 10 学生英语 2020年9月合

Researchers say they still don't fully understand the science behind a dog's nose.



It was common belief that the only reason dogs' noses are cold is to control and regulate their own body temperature.



The scientists reported that the wet skin surface at the end of a dog's nose is full of nerve endings.


VOA Special 2022年8月合

Similarly, if I am talking about dogs in general, I may simply use a compound noun: Dog noses are always cold.



He would cripple it, cat-fashion, and release it under the dog's nose.

他会以猫的方式将它弄残, 然后在狗的鼻子底下放生。

人人都爱雷蒙德 第6季

I'd rub my dog's nose in it.


Level 8 08.Spotlight

As they made the turn, the dog's nose went up.


Life Noggin

Anyways, I always hear how good a dog's nose is, but just how good is it?


《BBC纪录片 萌犬秘闻》

So Max was called in to see if a dog's nose could succeed where everything else had failed and before it was too late.




covered bridge, covered wagon, coverer, coverglass, covering, covering letter, coveringtransformation, coverlet, coverlid, cover-point,


3G, 401(K), a,
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