15. 1932年,在工程师卡尔·央斯基发现静电每天以规律的变化干扰他的,望远镜开始通过观测到无电波,而不是可见光。
15. Telescopes that pick up radio waves, not visible light, got their start in 1932 when engineer Karl Jansky noticed that the static plaguing his equipment varied on a daily schedule.
15. 1932年,在工程师卡尔·央斯基发现静电每天以规律的变化干扰他的,望远镜开始通过观测到无电波,而不是可见光。
15. Telescopes that pick up radio waves, not visible light, got their start in 1932 when engineer Karl Jansky noticed that the static plaguing his equipment varied on a daily schedule.